[Video w/transcript included]
"Nature uses only the longest threads to weave her patterns, so that each small piece of her fabric reveals the organization of entire tapestry." -Richard P. Feynman
In Nature, we find patterns, designs and structures from the most minuscule particles, to expressions of life discernible by human eyes, to the greater cosmos. These inevitably follow geometrical archetypes, platonic solids, some call it sacred geometry, which reveal to us the essence of each form and its vibrational resonances. They are also symbolic of the underlying holistic principle of inseparability of the part and the whole. It is this principle of oneness underlying all geometry that permeates the architecture of all form in its myriad diversity. This principle of interconnectedness, inseparability and unity provides us with a continuous reminder of our relationship to the whole, a blueprint for the mind to contemplate the sacred foundation of all things created. Nature is also known to be fractal, “as above, so below,” layering of repeating patterns of complexity and self-similarity. Fractals are the emergent properties of iterative feedback systems that exhibit both unpredictable and deterministic behaviors. They form patterns that manifest as complex coherent structures, with the property of scale invariance and self-similarity. Fractals display very specific boundary conditions, with complex morphologies that have a fragmented dimension that uniquely quantifies the level of complexity of the emergent patterns within the system. From the synapses that connect billions of neurons in the brain to the filaments of dark matter that link galactic superclusters, there’s a fractal reiteration across the magnitude of scales akin to the Mandelbrot fractal set based on a simple underlying formula. The mathematics behind the Mandelbrot set, which is derived from a very simple underlying formula, makes me think that its intricate fractal chaos and stunningly beautiful design can’t help but leave a feeling that there’s something larger than life going on here, that you are staring right at some ineffable cosmic mystery. Multifractal systems are ubiquitous in Nature. Similarly, dimensionality of M-theory by adding orthogonal dimensions to the familiar 4D spacetime is based on geometric constructs. -Excerpt from The Syntellect Hypothesis: Five Paradigms of the Mind's Evolution by Alex Vikoulov, available now on Amazon, Audible, from Barnes & Noble, and directly from EcstadelicNET webstore. [Video Transcript]
Video: Patterns: As Above, So Below - Ecstadelic Media
Keywords: #SyntellectHypothesis #FiveParadigms #MindsEvolution #FractalPatterns #EmergentPatterns #AsAboveSoBelow #UbiquitousPatterns #FractalGeometry #SacredGeometry #MandelbrotSet #MTheory #Multifractality
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A quote on the go"When I woke up one morning I got poetically epiphanized: To us, our dreams at night feel “oh so real” when inside them but they are what they are - dreams against the backdrop of daily reality. Our daily reality is like nightly dreams against the backdrop of the larger reality. This is something we all know deep down to be true... The question then becomes how to "lucidify" this dream of reality?"— Alex M. Vikoulov Public Forums Our Custom GPTs
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