by Oberon Zell "Evolution of consciousness is indeed a spiritual process as well as it is a never-ending process of rational discovery." ―Alex Vikoulov Following is the review of The Syntellect Hypothesis: Five Paradigms of the Mind's Evolution (2020) by Alex M. Vikoulov This is a brilliant and complex book with a vast scope, and consequently a challenge to review in a few paragraphs. It’s an entire graduate University course in 525 dense pages! I found myself taking copious notes and copying many paragraphs I may wish to quote in my own books on these topics. Indeed, I discovered herein quotations from my own writings of over 50 years ago! ![]() The author presents here his epochal thesis regarding the inevitable next, future, and ultimate stages of human evolution. Drawing upon the implications of “the Gaia Thesis” — that the entire biosphere of Earth constitutes a single vast living organism evolving embryologically from a single original cell — Vikoulov applies the “Alpha Point” and “Omega Point” paradigm of Teilhard de Chardin at multiple levels, from the individual to the planetary to the Cosmic: “On a long billions-of-years evolutionary journey from the first primordial prokaryote to a Solaris-like planetary mind, we’re merely years away from this cardinal metamorphosis.” Russian émigré Alex Vikoulov describes himself as “a futurist, evolutionary cyberneticist, philosopher of mind, neo-transcendentalist, transhumanist singularitarian, cybertheosopher, author and filmmaker.” Quoting myriads of philosophers, researchers, psychonauts, futurists, visionaries and quantum physicists in many passages of his magnum opus, Vikoulov explains the thesis and title of this book as follows: “The Syntellect Hypothesis … refers to a phase transition of a complex system to self-awareness of a living, conscious superorganism when intellectual synergy of its components reaches threshold complexity to become one supermind… As a bio-species merging with its advanced technology, human-machine civilization is now on the verge of the Syntellect Emergence, becoming one Global Mind.” (pp. 214-215) Projecting the development of artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented virtual reality into an inevitable “Cybernetic Singularity” involving a fusion of the human brains with intelligent quantum-computing machines, Vikoulov envisions an immanent future “Singularity” in which we may access a global “Internet Noosphere” of collective consciousness — a planetary “TheoGenesis Awakening” into Godhood. Our experiential existence will be within a “Matrix” of our own creation — as many leading thinkers propose it already is. Immortality will be achieved via downloading (or uploading) our personal consciousnesses into the "Cloud:” “By mid-century, we are supposed to achieve superlongevity, and consequently, cybernetic immortality.” (pp. 32-33) The Five Paradigms of the Mind’s Evolution of the book’s subtitle are explored in the following five Parts, each virtually a book in itself:
In conclusion, Vikoulov states: “I would summarize my views, as follows: Consciousness is non-local, quantum computational by nature. There’s only one Universal Consciousness, we individualize our conscious awareness through the filter of our nervous system our 'local' mind, our very inner subjectivity, but consciousness itself, the self in a greater sense, our 'core' self is universal, and knowing it through experience has been called enlightenment, illumination, awakening, or transcendence, through the ages.” (p. 277) -Oberon Zell *Recently posted as a public review with the 5-star rating on Amazon. **READ MORE: Overview of The Syntellect Hypothesis: Five Paradigms of the Mind's Evolution by Alex M. Vikoulov ***An extended and updated version of The Syntellect Hypothesis is now available as The Cybernetic Theory of Mind (Kindle eBook series, 2022) in case you prefer extra detailing: About the Author: Oberon Zell is the Founder and Primate of the Church of All Worlds, and a Priest of Gaea—Mother Earth. In 1967 he was the first to apply the term “Pagan” to the newly-emerging Nature Religions of the ‘60s. He founded the first legally-incorporated Pagan church in 1962, and he’s published Green Egg magazine since 1968. In 1970, he had a profound Vision of the Living Earth — the earliest published version of “The Gaea Thesis.” And he has served in “Her Majesty’s Sacred Service” ever since. He is the author of a dozen books on metaphysical subjects, and is Founder and Headmaster of the online Grey School of Wizardry. As an artist, his best-known work is his sculptural representation of Mother Earth as “The Millennial Gaia." Author Website: e-mail: [email protected]
1 Comment
Jan Wickline
11/16/2022 12:40:11 am
Very intriguing. The science is viable and already being implemented ,by independent lab's and black op's. The integration of A'I and the human conscience has been long considered to be the way to immorality. The. Creation of matter by mere thought was first introduced in a 1950's sci-fi movie called a " forbidden planet". Now that theory has been quantified ,and implemented. To what success is still classified for obvious reason's. I do believe as many of my contemporaries do that the integration of A.I. as well as the science of bio-mechanical integration as in he Super solider program's are already being used.. Most imformative and extreamy intriging.reading!!!
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A quote on the go"When I woke up one morning I got poetically epiphanized: To us, our dreams at night feel “oh so real” when inside them but they are what they are - dreams against the backdrop of daily reality. Our daily reality is like nightly dreams against the backdrop of the larger reality. This is something we all know deep down to be true... The question then becomes how to "lucidify" this dream of reality?"— Alex M. Vikoulov Public Forums Our Custom GPTs
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