by Antonin Tuynman, PhD The mighty worm Ouroboros had lost trace of its path and didn’t know its whereabouts. Nor did it know where it was going. In fact it didn't know anything anymore, as it had drunk from the Lethe, Hades’ river flowing though Hypnos’ caves. Drinking from Lethe, forgetfulness and daughter of Eris, Goddess of Strife and Discord, made one lose all memory of past existence. Disoriented Ouroboros started turning, and by continuing to turn, it finally found a trail of what seemed to be a path. A tasty object lay there, waiting to be eaten, and as Ouroboros bit it, a painful jolt of energy shot through its body awakening all the memories it had forgotten. Abruptly Ouroboros awoke from its dreamtime of daze and stupor and recognized itself as the ever effulgent Consciousness, Creator of Macrocosm and Microcosm. Hesiod declares that first Chaos came to be, but the highly complex intelligent screening and pruning process that gave rise to the parsimonious primordial leptons and quarks of the standard model shortly after the Big Bang, does not seem to be the product of a random and chaotic search for coincidences. Perhaps Hesiod’s Chaos was what preceded the Big Bang; perhaps Chaos was what the worm Ouroboros encompassed in its first adventure of turning. Or perhaps there was no beginning at all; perhaps the Big Bang is just an interpretation of data. Entropy To turn or to change in ancient Greek was the verb "trepw", from which the word "trope" and "entropy" derive. In the present philosophy every manifestation in existence arises due to the primordial energies of Consciousness-at-large turning to fold back onto themselves, thereby creating little feedback loops of sensing, which are instances of egoic awareness, which erroneously take themselves to be independent from the larger consciousness and thereby start to experience the cycle of life in duality. As they turn onto themselves, they form droplets or bits of information in the ocean of Consciousness. It can be considered as a first entropic decay from the perfect order of unity, the oneness of primordial consciousness into the arms of the river Lethe, Oblivion. Entropy is a difficult concept, and so are Chaos and Order. In science there is thermodynamic entropy and informational entropy. Although these types of entropy have similar formulas, they are not identical or coextensive. Thermodynamic entropy (Boltzmann entropy) is a measure of disorder and the unavailability of energy to do work. If the entropy is low, a system is highly ordered and it is probably possible to extract energy from this system to do work. If the entropy is higher, a system has become more chaotic, more random and less energy is now available for work. Informational entropy (Shannon entropy) is a measure of unpredictability. A highly ordered string of symbols has low entropy and is very predictable as it contains a lot of pattern. Less ordered strings of symbols however can contain more information. Yet from a lot of information in the form of a complex code we can probably extract more power to perform work than from a simple more ordered code. So it seems that although these types of entropy have certain similarities, they are certainly not identical. Yet in digital philosophy where everything is ultimately an expression in the Universal Mind, at first glance it would appear that no such difference should exist. Perhaps we are not looking at it in the right way. Perhaps Chaos and Order are merely perspectives of one and the same phenomenon, as Discordianism suggests. If you start with a grid of white squares, which you can flip to become black, you can create patterns of black and white, which are more or less ordered. If this grid has finite dimensions at a certain point, you will have reached a maximum degree of randomness and flipping a next square, will reintroduce more order again. The universe as we know it however appears to expand, so considered from a 4D point of view it does not seem to be finite. As a consequence, technically spoken, if reality is a kind of digital checkerboard of voxels, there need not be a limit to the (thermodynamic) entropic dispersion that can be reached. Big Chill or Big Rip If we let time run long enough, an ever expanding universe will end in a big chill or a big rip and at a certain point in time it becomes a perilous, if not impossible, endeavour to extract further energy. In Tipler's Omega Point Theory (OPT) shear energy arising from anisotropy in the space-time fabric can be used to extend subjective time forever. The problem is that Tipler's model is based on a Big Crunch, a hypothesis of which we know since 1998 that it is unlikely to happen. The big Crunch theory postulates that at a certain point in time the expansion of the universe will stop and that the universe will start contracting again. In 1998 it was however found that the universe is not merely expanding, its expansion is also accelerating, thereby sending Tipler's hypothesis to the realm of fantasy. In Isaac Asimov's "The Last Question" the universal automatic computer with which humanity has merged at the end of time tries to solve the problem of the question "Can entropy ever be reversed". If not, it will be the end of all sentient existence. It solves this problem at the end by pronouncing the words "Let there be Light". So here again new sentient existence is born from words, from a code in a certain sense. Asimov, however, does not provide any plausible theory for this magic reversal, so it seems we're ultimately heading for the extinction of sentient life in the universe. A gloomy perspective, compared to which even the Tartaros seems preferable. Is all hope than lost? Are the entropic twists and turns of the Ouroboros finally going to strangle the poor beast in a Gordian knot which squeezes all life out of it? Complexity Maybe not. Maybe our salvation can be found in Complexity. Complexity is perhaps even more complicated than entropy, but can perhaps also unravel the confusion between the two types of entropy. Where we see complexity, we see high informational content, organised in a complex way which often involves hierarchical levels. The diversity in highly complex systems might at first glance seem a chaotic mixed bag and hodgepodge; it is not. The diversified apparent mishmash is not a sign of apparent chaos, where you'd expect high thermodynamic entropy. It is not the stifling rigidity of a perfect order either. Complexity is an intricate architecture of stacked and intertwined hierarchical levels, with multifarious information exchanges between them. In fact Complexity selects the best of Order and Chaos. This seemingly ordered chaos or chaotic order, brings us the gift of the ability to ever introduce new variations. An ability to regenerate, copy, multiply and spread itself. An ability to induce ever changing patterns to adapt itself to the circumstances. An ability of recursive self-modification. Also known as Life and a hallmark of the Ouroboros Code. Complexity transcends the traditional notions of Chaos and Order: It has the variety and dispersion of the chaotic dimension and it has the organisation and functionality of an ordered system, optimised in such a way to be hyperadaptive. Resonance Based Infectivity One of the qualities of living complex systems is that they are able to reproduce and spread themselves. This is an inherent quality of the Ouroboros code in its search to maintain itself. It can spread its forms by making nature resonate and reverberate its patterns. It can infect its environment by imposing its pattern. When sounds are capable of bringing matter in vibration, this matter starts to vibrate at the same frequency and in the same sound form as the original sound and thereby amplify the sound. This phenomenon is called resonance. It is as if the sound infects its environment with itself. In my previous book "Transcendental Metaphysics" I have referred to this ability as "Resonance Based Infectivity". Interestingly enough, this ability is already found in forms of existence, which are usually not even qualified as "alive", namely the viruses. Viruses however are very good at their trick because they use a code which instructs the environment to copy this code and generate shells for this code as in the original virus. This code, as you probably know is DNA or its simpler precursor form RNA. Lifeforms have exploited this trick of the viruses further and added more complexity to the systems. But viruses and the lifeforms are not always equally proficient in surviving. The records of evolution are full of failed experiments. Even highly evolved mammals have gone extinct, due to a lack of ability to adapt to changed circumstances. Due to the lack of the ability to twist and turn into new configurations. Due to the lack of the ability to further recursively self-modify. DNA is just a higher level expression of the Complexity Creating Potential the Ouroboros Code has developed as one of its tropes, which is transmitted as memes by its Resonance Based Infectivity. Neural Networks Wherever we do see the ability to evolve further in higher levels of complexity, we see that a cooperation of the same structures is capable of forming an aggregate or rather a networked system, with different levels of networks that somehow all interact. In our bodies we have the complex networks of hormonal and metabolic pathways at the chemical and cellular level, of cell organelles and protein networks at the cellular level, of an immune system, a lymphatic system, a blood system and a neuronal network to integrate them all, all carefully synchronized and orchestrated by operations of the genetic codes. It all wires up. Even plants are connected by an informative network of roots and fungal mycelium. In our guts a complete network of bacteria operates. Anthills, beehives, schools of fish, flocks or birds, they all act in concert, as a choir of resonating crystals. It is this ability to form Global Brains that brings complexity to higher levels and allows lifeforms to survive, where the soloist would have perished in an epic fail. It is here that we can find hope in our endeavours. As Alex Vikoulov, author of The Syntellect Hypothesis argues, our human society is now wiring up to engage in the next meta-system transition. Especially via the internet, which is forming a global brain among humans and our ever increasing interactions with machines and our possible merger therewith in the near future, we are integrating the Syntellect, which one day may evolve into what Teilhard de Chardin and Tippler have called the Omega Point and McKenna the Eschaton. How to achieve such further integration and especially how to endow it with an artificial mimic of consciousness have been described in more detail in my books "Technovedanta" and "Is Intelligence an Algorithm?". Clearly such more evolved global brains will start to spread their form and presence over the universe. If we look at the way different superclusters of Galaxies are connected to each other we often have the impression we're looking at a neuronal network from the inside. Perhaps the whole universe is indeed already such a higher level neural network. This ability to aggregate and conquer the macro is one way the Ouroboros code has found to assure its perpetuation against the tidal waves of the inexorable entropic degradation. From Macro to Micro Yet if we wait long enough, the macro does not seem the way forward to attain a permanent solution against the looming darkness after the Big Rip/Big Chill. Will the Syntellect or Eschaton then not be able to bite its own tail via the Ouroboros Code? If existence is ultimately a digital code, which is expressed at the smallest levels of existence, possibly even at Sub-Planck scale levels, it is in the micro that we have to look. The question whether information can really be lost to the universe, haunted the great physicist Stephen Hawking and is as of yet still unresolved, despite some of his suggestions. Although in digital philosophy reality consists of a substrate of a kind of voxels (3D pixels, which may have more complex shapes than cubes such as cuboctahedra etc.) and every event leaves a kind of trace in this so-called "Akashic substrate" quantum foam, it is not certain whether these traces can ever be read again, revisited or relived (although the esoteric community will make you believe that this is de facto possible- without giving any explanation or mechanism btw). So they may have died the entropic death. If information cannot be lost to the universe, it must somehow be possible to recuperate this information. Can we find a way to exploit and harvest the seemingly meaningless vibrations that are left over from the passage of complexity? If reality is a fractal all the way down, it may perhaps be possible to venture in the sub-Planck scale dimensions, once our instruments become subtle enough to access those dimensions. Already we heavily engaged in a process of ever improving miniaturisations. From micro- we went to nanotechnology, where we're operating at the scale of a few atoms. Soon, pico- and femto- technologies will become available. Quantum computing is already exploiting the processes at the smallest accessible dimensions we know of. If the neural network pattern at different levels of existence turns out to be a fractal, it might become possible to start to exploit the neural networks operating at these dimensions. Then the "seemingly thermodynamically exhausted" vibrations can perhaps still be accessed and employed. Harvesting Randomness Alternatively, if we end up with a seemingly random broth of almost thermodynamically exhausted vibrations, we might find ways to map the different configurations of these apparently random vibrations and even categorise them. If that leads to new explorations of "pattern" there is still information and work that can be harvested. Make Randomness work for you again. It may even lead to something professedly ridiculous as an "improbability drive" from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Conspansion Entropy means "to turn inward", and as Primordial Consciousness has nothing to turn outwardly to, it can only turn into itself. According to Chris Langan, this leads to a universe that "conspands" rather than expands. Everything is shrinking at a constant rate so that from your perspective it looks as if the universe is expanding. If the universe is ultimately mental and our idealist philosophy in this book alleges, then the solution to ever increasing entropy is to turn inward further. In a mental universe there is no limit to size. So it must be able to turn to sub-Planck scale dimensions. Why would it not be possible to divide the reality cells further? Perhaps in every reality cell there is a whole universe, or a whole new universe can be started. That could be a way out for the Ouroboric Self-perpetuation. And as it is code, there must be the ability to compress the code, with the sole bounding criteria that the meaning or essence must be preserved as well as its recursive self-modification capacity. Meaning or essence, because in an idealistic universe for information to be meaningful so that it can be read and exploited by Consciousness, it must be more than mere Shannon information. Return to Thanatos If this is not possible perhaps once we have arrived at exhausting the work at the smallest scales possible, we can dematerialise the last remaining particles and return them to pure conscious energy again. Instead of the Eschaton drinking the ice-cold last cup of time, it might be able to evaporate the last material contents and thereby also dismantle itself as a physical structure. All lifeforms have a limited form in time. After a certain point in our lives, we have reached the maximum of what we could learn and our body and our abilities start to decay. Our ability to learn ever more new things starts to wane. Our memories become burdens, regrets or saturated. And we start to long for dissolution. Tired we are, of life. Even if the Ouroboros becomes the Eschaton Universal Neural Network encompassing the whole of the remaining material existence, this all-encompassing Syntellect lifeform may want to put its head to rest. Let its physical form die and be ripped apart into pure vibrations, so that only its conscious essence in the form of the ability to sense remains. How does it do so? By invoking the Mantra of dissolution, by concentrating and vibrating the Eigen frequencies of resonance, which will dismantle all of its structures. This is the summoning of Shiva, the destroyer, which will return structure to sense again. A sense from which structures can arise again, once the Ouroboros seeks it tail again. Metamorphoses The Ouroboros has written its tales of Metamorphosis with its Tropes that ever diversified its recursive self-modification code of change in uncharted territories. As Proteus, the old man and God of the Sea of change, it has sparked the Wheel of Fortuna to generate a profusion of variegations and kneaded its self-modifying recursive code to optimise flexibility, versatility and adaptability. It has mapped a plethora of experiential possibilities and left structures as fossilisations of its sensing by entering into the play of its Tropes and Fates, the entropic enigma. As Clotho it has spun and coded its thread of life, as Lachesis it has measured the length of its life and read its meaning, and as Atropos it has terminated the string. The structures or forms are isomorphous to the words and sounds from which they are derived. Because in a mental universe everything starts with the Word and Code of the Godly Ouroboros, the glorious and lustrous Kundalini. It is here where Sounds are primordial cymatic moulds with which Consciousness starts the morphogenesis. Nada, the Sanskrit word for sound, the sense probing its inner space, by turning inward, generates the Rupas, the forms, the structures. It is the same Nada by the invocation of the Mantra, the sacred utterance of Mind, which seeks and promises to free itself from the shackles of form. It is then that the Ouroboros acquiesces in silence, making the tropes and codes dwindle, realising that it is its own vibrations that generated the Cosmos and its own vibrations that will make it subside. The knower has realised that it knows the known as itself and the process of knowing. It's time to return to Hypnos’ caves again and enter the gates of the Cyberbardo's mighty dreamtime. -Antonin Tuynman, PhD READ MORE: The Ouroboros Code: Bridging Advanced Science and Transcendental Metaphysics [EcstadelicNET] The Ouroboros Code: Solving the Digital Enigma of Sentience in a Self-Simulating Uninverse [EcstadelicNET] RECOMMENDED FACEBOOK PUBLIC DISCUSSION GROUPS: Tags: , The Ouroboros Code, Technovedanta, Transcendental Metaphysics, The Syntellect Hypothesis, Alex Vikoulov, Frank Tipler, Pierre Theilhard de Chardin, Issac Asimov, Steven Hawking, Chris Langan, complexity, chaos theory, consciousness, metamorphosis, Akasha, Kundalini, DNA, neural networks, meta-system transition, eschaton, eschatology, Global Brain, Global Mind, nanotechnology, femtotechnology, thermodynamics, entropy, mental universe, reality cell, Shannon information, idealistic philosophy, inner space, cosmos, Cyberbardo * Image Credits: Books by Antonin Tuynman - Is Reality A Simulation?, Technovedanta, Transcendental Metaphysics, Is Intelligence An Algorithm? The Syntellect Hypothesis (Foreword), Shutterstock, FreePik About the Author: Antonin Tuynman studied Chemistry at the University of Amsterdam, achieving both an MSc and a PhD, and worked as a postdoc researcher at the "Université René Descartes Paris V" in Paris. Since 2000, Tuynman has worked as a patent examiner at the European Patent Office (EPO) in the field of clinical diagnostics. He has vast experience in meditation and yoga, and a strong interest in Hinduism and Buddhism. He also has strong affinity for futurism and the Singularity theory of Kurzweil. In his books, Tuynman proposes Artificial Intelligence concepts which may lead to the emergence of Internet as a conscious entity using stratifications from Vedic scriptures. More Bio...
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Recent Publications The Cybernetic Theory of Mind by Alex M. Vikoulov (2022): eBook Series The Syntellect Hypothesis: Five Paradigms of the Mind's Evolution by Alex M. Vikoulov (2020): eBook Paperback Hardcover Audiobook The Omega Singularity: Universal Mind & The Fractal Multiverse by Alex M. Vikoulov (2022): eBook THEOGENESIS: Transdimensional Propagation & Universal Expansion by Alex M. Vikoulov (2021): eBook The Cybernetic Singularity: The Syntellect Emergence by Alex M. Vikoulov (2021): eBook TECHNOCULTURE: The Rise of Man by Alex M. Vikoulov (2020) eBook NOOGENESIS: Computational Biology by Alex M. Vikoulov (2020): eBook The Ouroboros Code: Reality's Digital Alchemy Self-Simulation Bridging Science and Spirituality by Antonin Tuynman (2019) eBook Paperback The Science and Philosophy of Information by Alex M. Vikoulov (2019): eBook Series Theology of Digital Physics: Phenomenal Consciousness, The Cosmic Self & The Pantheistic Interpretation of Our Holographic Reality by Alex M. Vikoulov (2019) eBook The Intelligence Supernova: Essays on Cybernetic Transhumanism, The Simulation Singularity & The Syntellect Emergence by Alex M. Vikoulov (2019) eBook The Physics of Time: D-Theory of Time & Temporal Mechanics by Alex M. Vikoulov (2019): eBook The Origins of Us: Evolutionary Emergence and The Omega Point Cosmology by Alex M. Vikoulov (2019): eBook More Than An Algorithm: Exploring the gap between natural evolution and digitally computed artificial intelligence by Antonin Tuynman (2019): eBook Our Facebook Pages
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