by David W. Parker ... or Elucidating the Reality of Our True Existential Venue There's difficulty to be had in properly comprehending any elements stemming from a perception not of our own. Our first-hand encounters and the empirics which they accompany, are entirely misrepresented through the processes performed by our innate senses. Deception lies in anticipation for those only committed to evaluations of their environment from their physical senses. An agent of artifices whose only occupation rests in our duplicity. After all, it is our very psyche which houses the entity and culprit that are guilty for corrupting cognition. Our ego has cultivated a life's work out of its efforts into making the illusion real. Its magnum opus is "the deceit of man." A collection of pieces crafted by the consistent hand for imparting false perceptions unto all individuals. This well-orchestrated Mass Hallucination inevitably concludes with utter ignorance. For if unable to genuinely acknowledge that you have been made a victim of circumstance, these illusory conditions created by ego will never become clear, and you may never see and know the truth. The simple fact is things are not what they seem. Our venue, and all of the observable universe, is encompassed by the Creative Source responsible for all physical manifestations made visible in our experience. Materialized images produced by our intelligent designer. Items constructed through precise executions of its own intelligence. This knowledge is applied through a complete mastery and know-how of what we understand as Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and the mathematical equations necessary to oil their mechanistic procedures. "God created us in his own image." The original Conscious Observer envisioned the individual organism, and so it was so. To understand this isn't to refute our evolvement which was of genuine occurrence relative to our experience. This source of creation is simply expressing its own thoughts. Its understanding of all things is absolute. All of universal information as known by our Creator is but One. Where we are novice in our approach to complete cognizance; attempting only to learn through the fragmentation of a much larger whole. We are literally residing in the creative mind whose essence is the very grand image that so many hope and pledge their faith to understand and see. The quidditas of our cognitive cosmos is best realized as Res Cogitans, a thinking substance. Previously, some individuals have alluded to our Universal structure as being sentient. Occasionally being dubbed with the appellation "Intelligent Cosmos." Well, the very fabric of our outer macro reality is classified as Spacetime. This misassociation is better appropriated as the referenced thinking substance. A consciously aware intelligent substance ubiquitous to all of existence. Its permeation is bound by no restrictive Force. The unfathomable intelligence whose quiddity is forever present truly does see all. It's omnipotent awareness observes and feels every interaction, occurrence, development, or any event transpiring in our Universe. Something most certainly deserving of everyone's understanding, our Creative Source neither punishes nor rewards any individual action. Period. Your prepense behaviors and their consequences only manifest themselves relative to your experience. Meaning, individual existence finds functionality through a very particular programming. Mechanical workings are often dependent upon causality. It is only of extreme Self Indulgence to believe the Universal Supersentience has a vested interest in the outcomes from any of our engagements. Its sole preoccupation is accumulating experience, and not their later results. Ask yourself, would you be bothered with concerns over the happenings of a much lesser form? In a crude analogy, imagine you manufactured a location for hosting microscopic beings. And this production was an actual extension of yourself. Where in your wisdom you had been made aware of momentary experience being all there is. So, in an attempt to accrue au courant or new information, you made use of the activities from your tiny creations responsible for doing exactly that. Would you then observe in anticipation to offer blessings for any microcosm acting appropriately? Or, in the opposite scenario, would you idly sit to chastise some wrongdoing? The then purpose of your entire existence would simply be to monitor their experience. This everlasting observation then becomes the experience, and thus negating the actual experience itself. It would be an illogical fallacy to assume any all-knowing entity would compromise the intended nature of their own reality. The minuscule principles of study are not only your expressed thoughts, but various extensions of your conscious essence. Remember, their function is to garner you new information which they acquire through executed behaviors. And if the true purpose of existence is experience itself, would you not want to feel the inner workings as they are transpiring? Would you sacrifice your entire existence for their evaluations? I certainly hope not. It becomes an apparent non sequitur to entertain any notion of this as truth, or the possibility of your direct intervention in response to any witnessed event. The main takeaway from such transgressions, our Creative Source places no interest in the results of our actions. The true consequences our intentional behaviors are seen in the nature of our individual experience. Meaning, the individual commonly making inappropriate exhibitions will without doubt inevitably find themselves in unfortunate circumstances. The individual committed to the perpetual practice of all things appropriate in their deliberate executions will be bestowed desirable conditions. Furthermore, they are afforded greater opportunity for more choice and pleasurable moments. Considering that all we have is our memories, and they are but a mere collection of moments. Comparable to the liquid body whose constituents are individual drops of water. "Forgive us Lord for our daily trespasses, for we know not what we do. And what we see is not the truth." It is through these words any burden of proof receives pardon. Let us consider the sole occupation of our ego. Its purpose in creating our confusion for any understanding of not only our actual being, but the exact nature of our existence. It is the bane of clear and appropriate perception, as well as comprehension. It is the entity whose objectification is provided form through the different forces of uncertainty, anxiety, dread, envy, selfishness, manipulation, deceit, condescension, arrogance, banality, insecurity, judgement. These disruptive and destructive elements are the handiwork of the ego. One whose identity has an alternative nomenclature. This other moniker sharing relation to the ego, the notoriously ominous devil. The alleged dark lord governing over some subterranean dwelling of unimaginable evil. This explanation was perhaps a product of poor interpretation to the frequent allegories and parables used by religious publications. They are simply metaphors used to illustrate the dark powers potentially conjured while in ignorance of these truths. This ambiguity creates conditions for endless arbitration for determining one truth. Especially those whose exploits are exclusive to that false narrative. Transcend the binding limitations from ignorance and false constructs. Your figurative leap of faith is the acceptance of this information. As an individual conscious spirit you have no obligation to accept anything of which you are opposed. Our Free Will provides such splendid indifference. But if truly longing for an existential paradise, your vehicle of transport lies in the process of understanding these words. Your passport is provided by their comprehension. Know this, heaven on Earth is not a myth. It is a happenstance. One is revealed not only through the integration of this information, but through its appropriate application. Preceding my spiritual epiphany, I too was tortured by angst, doubt, and insecurity. Discovering my true nature imparted an inner stillness and was an instant release. I was liberated by myself from the shackles used by ego. There is freedom to be had which probably exceeds any self-invoked imagery. A space whose bliss exists in single form, and beyond any subjugation into unwarranted fragmentation. You, and every other conscious spirit, are but part of the same Whole. A Oneness of all expressed forms. While unobstructed and unadulterated understanding are entirely requisite, the true measures of learned spiritual efficacy are exposed by our tasks. ACTA non verba. actions to demonstrate you are in fact an extension of "God." If your pious devotion reflects your realizations to an instantiated concept of Source, well, that is in fact behaving "Godly." Your trials of faith are conducted by examinations of your overall executed intention. Learn to develop only positive and selfless desires. Not to delegate your thoughts and communication to a lesser important domain, because in a habitat completely covered by textiles of conscious intelligence, articles such as these should always receive the level of adulation they deserve. Cogito ergo sum, I think therefore I am. The ensemble configuration of your conscious spirit is malleable. Its customization is tailored in stages of emergence. Those sets are always available for alterations. These changes correspond to levels of one's own conscious awareness. And they only cover as much as one's mentality permits. Yes, your ultimate acknowledgement does not equate to a permanent state of being. If only partially acceptant to your authentic quiddity, and only on occasion are propitious in your pretense practices, you will not know the full splendor spoken of here. Is it some exacerbated exercise of imagination to completely grasp this content? No. If your intention is placed into any mode of more traditionally known intelligence and if thinking through your own will you'll extend the reach to acquire this knowledge, your cognitive capabilities are under the control of ego. It is through the humble process of surrenderance-to-acceptance that the individual gains the ability to coalesce these fundamental dogmatic principles. The complete process of these mechanics falter under rugged displays of forceful submittance. And the entire operation is based on a graceful performance. Bottom line, find the truth and yield before it. Be gracious in your handlings, and righteous in your doings. You are an amazing creation. An expressed image of "God" only meant for having meaningful experience. You've been blessed to think, and learn, and grow, and love.. your connection to God siphons these feelings unto the very fabric of the cosmos. A thinking substance found throughout every corner of existence. Make a vow to be always appropriate and honor thy commitment. If able to fulfill such accommodating obligations, you'll be rewarded with even better opportunities. You'll be afforded divine perception. This saintly vision will discover a disguised kingdom. A saintly space awaiting those who've learned and dealt in the truths of our proper experience. You will then find you have indeed entered this foretold Heaven on Earth. -David W. Parker Tags: Res Cogitans, cosmic creation, perception, conscious observer, creative source, quidditas, intelligent cosmos, supersentience, ACTA non verba., cogito ergo sum, spiritual epiphany, thinking substance, heaven on earth *Image Credit: Ecstadelic Media, Shutterstock About the Author: David W. Parker is a writer and an extreme enthusiast of the physics of information. Some time ago after months of intense academic study, he experienced two endogenous moments which concluded with an unprecedented occurrence of what he calls Metanoia. His present writings and the upcoming book represent a byproduct of that initiation facilitated by ruminations and unconventional meditation that later matured into his genuine personal philosophy. e-mail: [email protected]
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