by Alex Vikoulov "The only greatness for man is immortality." -James Dean I've been recently asked by Eric Schulke of The Movement for Indefinite Life Extension (MILE): Why do you support indefinite life extension? Here's my answer with a short video: "First of all, just like most of us, I love life and I don't want to die. I think by dying you make your life experience, your unique world perspective, somewhat irrelevant. It's like you went on vacation, and when you're back home, you realize that you lost your camera with all your photos and videos. The problem with the society today is that most people accept death as a natural part of life cycle. Nothing can be further from the truth. Life is what makes life meaningful!* Video: Humanity in 2029: A Race of The Immortals - Ecstadelic Media (cc) *Abridged excerpt from "The Syntellect Hypothesis: Five Paradigms of the Mind's Evolution" by Alex M. Vikoulov, available now on,,, and directly from EcstadelicNET webstore. Imagine a universe without life and consciousness. That universe would be dead and sterile. Some physicists would even argue a universe without a conscious observer would be simply non-existent, featureless ocean of potentiality. These are by far the most exciting times to be alive. I don't think that we'll ever get bored, especially when we start to create myriads of virtual worlds for research and entertainment. That's what Transhumanism is all about: RADICAL LIFE EXTENSION + RADICAL LIFE EXPANSION. From the first cell on this planet, its splitting in two and to the more complicated life forms, the purpose of life, it seems, is to evolve and pass on information - In the form of genetic information, in human societies - memetic information - and soon we'll be able to instantly learn, share our knowledge and full sensory experiences with each other. We're now rapidly approaching a pivotal moment in the history of this planet, when through scientific discovery an intelligent species could become a race of demigods, A RACE OF THE IMMORTALS. It's quite achievable now. In fact, that will probably happen in two stages: First stage - we have to extend our lifespan with ever-improving Biotechnology. Aging is declared a [curable] desease, and around 2029, with the advances in Nanotechnology and Artificial Intelligence, we will be able start to reverse aging and add more than one year every year to an average life expectancy (gaining the so-called Longevity Escape Velocity). So, if you're alive in 2030, chances are you'll live to 100 and beyond. What life would be like on the other side, when you know you can live indefinitely long? Well, we'll get used to it and adjust accordingly. We'll merge into the Global Brain, and emerge as the Global Mind. DIGITAL IMMORTALITY, when we can digitize our minds and upload our consciousness to the Cloud, would complete our 'Return to Eden'."* -Alex Vikoulov *Abridged excerpt from my new book "The Syntellect Hypothesis: Five Paradigms of the Mind's Evolution" available now on Amazon, Audible, from Barnes & Noble, and directly from EcstadelicNET webstore. Tags: Immortality, the race of the immortals, digital immortality, quantum immortality, indefinite life span, radical life extension, radical life expansion, Artificial Intelligence, biotechnology, nanotechnology, James Dean, Eric Schulke, demigods, consciousness, Movement for Indefinite Life Extension, anti-aging, biotechnology, nanotechnology, Artificial Intelligence, global brain, global mind, genetic information, memetic information, full sensory experiences, return to Eden, 2029, life expectancy, mind uploading, virtual worlds, transhumanism Image: Shutterstock About the Author: Alex Vikoulov is a Russian-American futurist, evolutionary cyberneticist, philosopher of mind, CEO/Editor-in-Chief of Ecstadelic Media Group, painter, essayist, media commentator, author of "The Syntellect Hypothesis: Five Paradigms of the Mind's Evolution," "The Origins of Us: Evolutionary Emergence and The Omega Point Cosmology," "The Physics of Time: D-Theory of Time & Temporal Mechanics," "The Intelligence Supernova: Essays on Cybernetic Transhumanism, The Simulation Singularity & The Syntellect Emergence," "Theology of Digital Physics: Phenomenal Consciousness, The Cosmic Self & The Pantheistic Interpretation of Our Holographic Reality," "NOOGENESIS: Computational Biology," "TECHNOCULTURE: The Rise of Man." Self-described neo-transcendentalist, digital theologian, transhumanist singularitarian. Currently lives in Burlingame, California (San Francisco Bay Area). More Bio... Author Website: e-mail: [email protected]
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Recent Publications Temporal Mechanics: D-Theory as a Critical Upgrade to Our Understanding of the Nature of Time by Alex M. Vikoulov (2025): eBook The Cybernetic Theory of Mind by Alex M. Vikoulov (2024/2022): Audiobook/eBook Series The Syntellect Hypothesis: Five Paradigms of the Mind's Evolution by Alex M. Vikoulov (2020): eBook Paperback Hardcover Audiobook The Omega Singularity: Universal Mind & The Fractal Multiverse by Alex M. Vikoulov (2024/2022):Audiobook eBook THEOGENESIS: Transdimensional Propagation & Universal Expansion by Alex M. Vikoulov (2024/2021): Audiobook eBook The Cybernetic Singularity: The Syntellect Emergence by Alex M. Vikoulov (2024/2021): Audiobook eBook TECHNOCULTURE: The Rise of Man by Alex M. Vikoulov (2020) eBook NOOGENESIS: Computational Biology by Alex M. Vikoulov (2024/2020): Audiobook eBook The Ouroboros Code: Reality's Digital Alchemy Self-Simulation Bridging Science and Spirituality by Antonin Tuynman (2019) eBook Paperback The Science and Philosophy of Information by Alex M. Vikoulov (2019): eBook Series Theology of Digital Physics: Phenomenal Consciousness, The Cosmic Self & The Pantheistic Interpretation of Our Holographic Reality by Alex M. Vikoulov (2019) eBook The Intelligence Supernova: Essays on Cybernetic Transhumanism, The Simulation Singularity & The Syntellect Emergence by Alex M. Vikoulov (2019) eBook The Physics of Time: D-Theory of Time & Temporal Mechanics by Alex M. Vikoulov (2019): eBook The Origins of Us: Evolutionary Emergence and The Omega Point Cosmology by Alex M. Vikoulov (2019): eBook More Than An Algorithm: Exploring the gap between natural evolution and digitally computed artificial intelligence by Antonin Tuynman (2019): eBook Our Facebook Pages
A quote on the go"When I woke up one morning I got poetically epiphanized: To us, our dreams at night feel “oh so real” when inside them but they are what they are - dreams against the backdrop of daily reality. Our daily reality is like nightly dreams against the backdrop of the larger reality. This is something we all know deep down to be true... The question then becomes how to "lucidify" this dream of reality?"— Alex M. Vikoulov Public Forums Our Custom GPTs
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