Theology of Digital Physics: A new must-read on consciousness and self as a hologram | Press Release11/25/2019 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Ecstadelic Media Group releases a new non-fiction book Theology of Digital Physics: Phenomenal Consciousness, The Cosmic Self and The Pantheistic Interpretation of Our Holographic Reality. Written by Alex M. Vikoulov; Foreword by Antonin Tuynman, PhD; Format: Kindle eBook (Press Release, San Francisco, CA, USA, November 25, 2019 07.00 AM PST) The Science and Philosophy of Information book series is adapted for general audience from the grand volume titled “The Syntellect Hypothesis: Five Paradigms of the Mind’s Evolution,” a treatise by philosopher Alex M. Vikoulov on the ultimate nature of reality, consciousness, the physics of time, philosophy of mind, digital physics, foundations of quantum physics, the Technological Singularity, transhumanism, the impending phase transition of humanity, the Simulation Hypothesis, economic theory, the extended Gaia theory, transcendental metaphysics and God. ![]() In this book four of the series, the author addresses some of the most fundamental questions of theology: How can we redefine and extrapolate the concept of God from the Digital Physics perspective? What is our personal relationship to God? What are mechanics behind our conscious experience? What is phenomenal consciousness? What links quantum mechanics and consciousness? Is evolution a teleological process? Can we reconcile science and theology? What is the purpose of it all? What is the meaning of our lives? “Having invented the gods, perhaps we can turn into them.” -Alan Harrington. This is the opening quote to volume four of The Science and Philosophy of Information series. In his foreword Dr. Antonin Tuynman writes: "With this fourth and final volume of The Science and Philosophy of Information series Vikoulov dives in the deeper secrets of consciousness and its physical correlates. The author scrutinizes the rich world of information technology and joins the body of digital philosophers and digital physicists, who do not take the traditional reductive materialism for granted. After all, information requires consciousness to be meaningful and organized. Since we live in a world which isn't random, but organized at every level, a role for consciousness seems unavoidable. The 'digital theologian' shows us compelling evidence from quantum mechanics, mathematics and computer sciences, which not only aligns with a philosophical worldview of the Primacy of Consciousness, but which also assigns a role to information as its modus operandi." One of the biggest surprises in Theology, Metaphysics and Cybernetics this year, this new book is a deep philosophical treatise and popularization of Digital Physics as one of the leading contenders for the Quantum Gravity theory, a "Theory of Everything" that would unify relativistic and quantum physics. Written by Alex M. Vikoulov; Foreword by Antonin Tuynman, PhD; Publisher: Ecstadelic Media Group; Publication Date: November 25, 2019; Format: Kindle eBook; Print Book Length: 325 pages; ISBN: 9781733426138; Price: $9.99. Video Press Release: Theology of Digital Physics: Phenomenal Consciousness, The Cosmic Self & The Pantheistic Interpretation of Our Holographic Reality, eBook - Ecstadelic Media (cc) Here's one of the revelatory passages from the book: "Spiritually inclined rationalists may view this ongoing evolutionary process as one of ‘Theogenesis’... On a long billions-of-years evolutionary journey from the first primordial prokaryote to a Solaris-like planetary mind, we’re merely years away from this cardinal metamorphosis." As a proponent of the Omega Point cosmology, the author writes: "With the inclusion of God as origin and end of the Universe, human consciousness could ascend to the Transcendent Self, i.e. proceed to the final stage of consciousness evolution, experiential cognition of God. The whole itinerary of consciousness’ ascension to the teleological attractor could be regarded as a 'hierarchy of regress,' or the ability to be drawn back to God by dividing into individual evolving experiencers contemplating everything in creation." Alex M. Vikoulov is a futurist, digital philosopher, neo-transcendentalist, transhumanist singularitarian, cosmist, independent scholar, evolutionary cyberneticist, consciousness researcher, media commentator, painter and author who lives in Burlingame, CA. Recently published works include “The Syntellect Hypothesis: Five Paradigms of the Mind’s Evolution” (2020e, 2019), The Origins of Us: Evolutionary Emergence and the Omega Point Cosmology (2019), The Physics of Time: D-Theory of Time & Temporal Mechanics (2019), The Intelligence Supernova: Essays on Cybernetic Transhumanism, The Simulation Singularity & The Syntellect Emergence (2019). [More Bio...] Theology of Digital Physics: Phenomenal Consciousness, The Cosmic Self and The Pantheistic Interpretation of Our Holographic Reality is now available as eBook on Amazon: where you can also download your free sample. ![]() * Previously published The Intelligence Supernova: Essays on Cybernetic Transhumanism, The Simulation Singularity & The Syntellect Emergence (book 3 of the series) is available on Amazon as Kindle eBook: ![]() ** The Physics of Time: D-Theory of Time & Temporal Mechanics (book 2) is available on Amazon as Kindle eBook: ![]() *** The Origins of Us: Evolutionary Emergence and the Omega Point Cosmology (book 1) is available on Amazon as Kindle eBook: ![]() **** The Syntellect Hypothesis: Five Paradigms of the Mind's Evolution (magnum opus) is available on Amazon in eBook and paperback formats: Barnes & Noble has it in 3 formats - eBook, paperback and hardcover: ***** Author Page on Amazon: Author Page on Facebook: EcstadelicNET #DigitalPhysics #theology #consciousness #TheologyOfDigitalPhysics #DigitalTheology #DigitalPantheism #holism #HolographicReality #HolographicPrinciple #PhenomenalConsciousness #CosmicSelf #TranscendentSelf #SelfTranscendence #theogenesis #CyberneticSingularity #SyntellectEmergence #TechnologicalSingularity #SimulationHypothesis #PressRelease #NewBookRelease #AmazonKindle #SyntellectHypothesis #OmegaPoint #ScienceOfInformation #PhilosophyOfInformation
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Temporal Mechanics: D-Theory as a Critical Upgrade to Our Understanding of the Nature of Time by Alex M. Vikoulov (2025): eBook Audiobook
The Cybernetic Theory of Mind by Alex M. Vikoulov (2024/2022): Audiobook/eBook Series The Syntellect Hypothesis: Five Paradigms of the Mind's Evolution by Alex M. Vikoulov (2020): eBook Paperback Hardcover Audiobook The Omega Singularity: Universal Mind & The Fractal Multiverse by Alex M. Vikoulov (2024/2022): Audiobook: eBook THEOGENESIS: Transdimensional Propagation & Universal Expansion by Alex M. Vikoulov (2024/2021): Audiobook eBook The Cybernetic Singularity: The Syntellect Emergence by Alex M. Vikoulov (2024/2021): Audiobook eBook TECHNOCULTURE: The Rise of Man by Alex M. Vikoulov (2020) eBook NOOGENESIS: Computational Biology by Alex M. Vikoulov (2024/2020):Audiobook eBook The Ouroboros Code: Reality's Digital Alchemy Self-Simulation Bridging Science and Spirituality by Antonin Tuynman (2019) eBook Paperback The Science and Philosophy of Information by Alex M. Vikoulov (2019): eBook Series Theology of Digital Physics: Phenomenal Consciousness, The Cosmic Self & The Pantheistic Interpretation of Our Holographic Reality by Alex M. Vikoulov (2019) eBook The Intelligence Supernova: Essays on Cybernetic Transhumanism, The Simulation Singularity & The Syntellect Emergence by Alex M. Vikoulov (2019) eBook The Physics of Time: D-Theory of Time & Temporal Mechanics by Alex M. Vikoulov (2019): eBook The Origins of Us: Evolutionary Emergence and The Omega Point Cosmology by Alex M. Vikoulov (2019): eBook More Than An Algorithm: Exploring the gap between natural evolution and digitally computed artificial intelligence by Antonin Tuynman (2019): eBook Editor-in-ChiefAlex M. Vikoulov is a futurist, evolutionary cyberneticist and philosopher, editor-in-chief at Ecstadelic Media Group, filmmaker, essayist, author of many books, including the 2019-2020 best-seller "The Syntellect Hypothesis: Five Paradigms of the Mind's Evolution." Our Public Forums
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