FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Ecstadelic Media Group releases a new non-fiction book More Than An Algorithm by Antonin Tuynman PhD as a Kindle eBook (Press Release, San Francisco, CA, USA, July 3, 2019 11.00 AM PST) A palette of intelligence explored. In this book, the author invites you to the musings of master algorithms, brain fractals and Chinese rooms. This book, aimed at science-savvy readers, makes you question the validity of the Many-Worlds Interpretation of quantum mechanics, tries to reconcile the paradoxes of idealistic panpsychism and shows you the parallels between the codes of evolution and the routines of the human mind. Countering the Computational Hypothesis, according to which our minds are computational in nature, the philosopher skillfully presents his case that our knowledge, and more specifically intelligence, well may be more than a mere algorithm. This short book can be read not only as a supplement to the previously published volume "Is Intelligence an Algorithm?", but also as an academic treatise or a long essay in its own right perhaps with an alternative title: Is Intelligence More Than An Algorithm?: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Tackle The Paradoxes of Learning and Intelligence. As the author writes in the book: "Nature seems to follow an intelligent algorithm to build complexity against the forces of entropy." And futurist and digital philosopher Alex M. Vikoulov writes in his foreword to the book: "Intelligence evolves and its evolution appears to be linguistic, or a code-theoretic teleological process." Antonin Tuynman studied Chemistry at the University of Amsterdam, achieving both an MSc and a PhD, and worked as a postdoc researcher at the "Université René Descartes Paris V" in Paris. Since 2000, Tuynman has worked as a patent examiner at the European Patent Office (EPO) in the field of clinical diagnostics. He has vast experience in meditation and yoga, and a strong interest in Hinduism and Buddhism. He also has strong affinity for futurism and the Singularity theory of Kurzweil. In his books, Tuynman proposes Artificial Intelligence concepts which may lead to the emergence of Internet as a conscious entity using stratifications from Vedic scriptures. [More Bio...] The essence of intelligence is learning and applying the acquired knowledge to achieve complex goals. The age of intelligence augmentation is upon us, which makes the present book even more compelling to obtain and study, especially for experts working in the fields such as cognitive science, neuroengineering, and artificial intelligence. Written by Antonin Tuynman, PhD; Foreword by Alex M. Vikoulov; Publisher: Ecstadelic Media Group; Publication Date: June 20, 2019; Format: Kindle eBook; Print Book Length: 135 pages; Price: $5.99. Video Press Release: More Than An Algorithm, eBook This eBook is text-to-speech, word-wise enabled, and also enhanced with a new Kindle feature - X-Ray enabled, meaning that you can read pop-up definitions and author comments as you move along the text. Here's what science writer Matt Swayne has to say about this newly-released volume: "Since the late 1990s, when the Internet moved from government laboratories into homes and offices around the world, people began to believe that algorithms are all-powerful, the source of intelligence. After all, algorithms made billions of dollars for companies and helped create entire new industries. That idea is even more prevalent today with artificial intelligent algorithms powering devices that we can talk to, like Siri and Alexa, and even drive cars, like Tesla. There are those who suggest that you and I are nothing more than a lump of algorithm-driven meat. But, not so fast. In More Than An Algorithm, Antonin Tuynman takes the reader on a mind-spinning, often contrarian trip into the heart of the argument that algorithms are the sole -- or soul -- source of intelligence. Tuynman is unafraid of taking on the heavyweights of science -- like quantum physicist David Deutsch -- to put forth his own ontology that mixes modern technology with ancient spiritual wisdom. This is a must-read, must-ponder book as our society finds itself making a monumental shift into the future that even the most fertile imaginations will struggle to comprehend. Tuynman makes a worthy guide for this trip into the future." *READ MORE: ** More Than An Algorithm is now available on Amazon: where you can also download your free sample. EcstadelicNET #MoreThanAnAlgorithm #ArtificialIntelligence #DeepLearning #ReinforcementLearning #FreeWill #TeleologicalEvolution #IntelligenceAugmentation #CognitiveScience #AntoninTuynman #AlexVikoulov #DigitalPhilosophy # # # Follow us ↴
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Temporal Mechanics: D-Theory as a Critical Upgrade to Our Understanding of the Nature of Time by Alex M. Vikoulov (2025): eBook
The Cybernetic Theory of Mind by Alex M. Vikoulov (2024/2022): Audiobook/eBook Series The Syntellect Hypothesis: Five Paradigms of the Mind's Evolution by Alex M. Vikoulov (2020): eBook Paperback Hardcover Audiobook The Omega Singularity: Universal Mind & The Fractal Multiverse by Alex M. Vikoulov (2024/2022): Audiobook: eBook THEOGENESIS: Transdimensional Propagation & Universal Expansion by Alex M. Vikoulov (2024/2021): Audiobook eBook The Cybernetic Singularity: The Syntellect Emergence by Alex M. Vikoulov (2024/2021): Audiobook eBook TECHNOCULTURE: The Rise of Man by Alex M. Vikoulov (2020) eBook NOOGENESIS: Computational Biology by Alex M. Vikoulov (2024/2020):Audiobook eBook The Ouroboros Code: Reality's Digital Alchemy Self-Simulation Bridging Science and Spirituality by Antonin Tuynman (2019) eBook Paperback The Science and Philosophy of Information by Alex M. Vikoulov (2019): eBook Series Theology of Digital Physics: Phenomenal Consciousness, The Cosmic Self & The Pantheistic Interpretation of Our Holographic Reality by Alex M. Vikoulov (2019) eBook The Intelligence Supernova: Essays on Cybernetic Transhumanism, The Simulation Singularity & The Syntellect Emergence by Alex M. Vikoulov (2019) eBook The Physics of Time: D-Theory of Time & Temporal Mechanics by Alex M. Vikoulov (2019): eBook The Origins of Us: Evolutionary Emergence and The Omega Point Cosmology by Alex M. Vikoulov (2019): eBook More Than An Algorithm: Exploring the gap between natural evolution and digitally computed artificial intelligence by Antonin Tuynman (2019): eBook Editor-in-ChiefAlex M. Vikoulov is a futurist, evolutionary cyberneticist and philosopher, editor-in-chief at Ecstadelic Media Group, filmmaker, essayist, author of many books, including the 2019-2020 best-seller "The Syntellect Hypothesis: Five Paradigms of the Mind's Evolution." Our Public Forums
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